Flu Clinics
Schedule both single and multi-location, and single and multi-nurse, clinics. Chose a length of appointment timeslot that works for your organization, schedule the clinic times, and schedule entire organizations in minutes.
Enable participants to, at their own convenience, find a convenient appointment time, optionally complete registration forms and online consent forms, and even pay for their appointment. Stop using paper sign-up forms, and streamline the setup and scheduling of events of any size.
With online scheduling, participants are able to immediately register for a convenient time together with receiving a notice of an upcoming event.
By removing the need to separately complete paper sign-up forms or wait in line, participation rates have been found to significantly increase (of particular benefit to those organizations that charge per participant).
By removing the need to manage paper sign-up forms, or to manually handle cancellations and rescheduling, labor costs associated with managing a schedule are materially reduced.
Better visibility into clinic schedules also helps in efficiently deploying nursing resources, as well as reducing wasted material (e.g. vaccines).
Schedule both single and multi-location, and single and multi-nurse, clinics. Chose a length of appointment timeslot that works for your organization, schedule the clinic times, and schedule entire organizations in minutes.
Whether scheduling onsite biometric screenings, hearing tests, cancer screenings, or mobile mammograms, online scheduling can help streamline the process.
With customized features that facilitate booking multiple services, Veribook can help organizations easily schedule large health fairs offering multiple simultaneous services.
Health seminars, lunch and learns, and fitness classes are just a few of the different events that Veribook is commonly used to accept registrations for.